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Online Quiz results
Online Quiz Results

Here's just a list of some of the online quizes we have taken and their results...

    You are very lost in this world. You posess deep emotions, but have a hard time getting in touch with them. You most likely like to read, or some kind of art. You also might like to dream often, and wish that you could go to a realm of unlimited possibilities and unthought of creatures. You probly don't have many friends, yet the ones you have are very dear to you and mean the world, as to whether it is the result of being unsocial, or that you have a hard time trusting others is uncertain. You believe that no one understands how you feel, and so you keep your true self hidden up...possibly by acting cheerful and goofy. It is possible that you might be somewhat stubborn at times as well, and there is a chance that you are very open-minded. You also might have small moments of depression, too. It seems that you might also be a intellect, understanding things that most people can not...or will not.
Quiz Title: If you were a DEMON what would you look & act like? (Girls)
Test taken by: Eri
You are imaginative and fun. You are good-hearted, and thoughtful. You are also small enough to fit in someone's palm! (So much for horns, scales, and a tail ^_^) You are probly a happy person with many friends, and you might like to read or some sort of art. You feel down when those you care about are down, and you try to make things better. You probly posess deep emotions, but it is uncertain. Please rate and/or message!
Quiz Title: If you were a DEMON what would you look & act like? (Girls)
Test taken by: Ami
Painful love is what is deep inside of you. When you love, you love with your whole being, and therefore, you get crushed if or when it ends... You are deep and sorrowed, wise far beyond your years. You don't say much, but your thoughts are never still. You aren't of this world.
Quiz Title: What Love are you Fated for? ~AWESOME anime pics!~
Test taken by: Eri
Your power is: Extreme healing powers
Explanation: When injured your body focuses on the wound and heals rapidly, within a few seconds. This makes you pretty much hard to kill and you can help people in danger using yourself as a shield. Almost anything is possible in combat but you prefer looking after others. In bad purposes you can do the same as above but for evil intentions.
This power fits you pretty good since you want to help those around you, and when you are pretty much unstopable, that's not an obsticle. You are caring and nurturing and are more a pascifist. Even if you know there are much unfairness in the world you still chose to see from a positive angle because you belive in the good of this world. You are probably friendly and have a soft spot for people who are not accepted. Though to others you come of as naive and gullible. You could be taken advantagde of if the wrong person comes around. Even if you could be seen as pure, you are not that completely since you're human and make mistakes too.
Negative aspects: If your naiveness has been making you blind for too long you could go into dark thinking.
Quiz Title: What Power is Compatible With You? [beautiful anime pictures + 12 detailed results]
Quiz taken by: Eri

Explainition: You are unique. Theres no one out there quite like you and thats just how you like it. You like the strange stares you get from people when your down town and find them funny. You dont care what others think of you and are happy with who you are.

Quiz Title: What soul do you have? ( Gorgeous anime pics)

Quiz URL:

Quiz Taken By: Ami

Explination: You will have a Content love. Not boring, but without fights and problems. You will just... be in love. Simple as that. As a person, you're not the one who laughs highest or most often, nor the one in the dark corner crying. You are the one who sits watching everyone else, often with a little smile playing on your lips. To you, life is good and you will get what you wish for. You will fall for someone who is himself, and lets you be you.
Quiz Title: What Love are you Fated for? ~AWESOME anime pics!~
Quiz Taken By: Ami
Explination: Your soul is lonely. you dont like spending time with others but even though you wont admit it, you often do want to be with the a group of close friends but you just cant find the courage to open up. maybe something bad happened to you before and you still cant get over it.
Quiz Title: What soul do you have? ( Gorgeous anime pics)
Quiz Taken By: Eri

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